Song of the Week #50

Reading over the past week or so about the abhorrent abortion debate going on in the US at the minute, it is so striking how backwards the ‘freest’ nation in the Western world really is. What we in the UK take for granted (despite our own moronic leader), you realise comes at a cost for the 300-odd million people across the pond. Abortion, healthcare, a push towards carbon neutrality, all largely depends on the region or state you live in, and the old white man inevitably in charge of everything, deciding whether it matches with his own agenda and that of the people who fund him.

The fact neither, that nobody has to publicly declare who is backing them when they vote on various agendas is sickening, and despite our (sometimes) laughable political system, I do not at all envy how things are carried out over in the USA. Asking people to send in donations to aid in a campaign for abortion rights, rather than actually changing anything ABOUT the abortion rights in fear of losing some of your more right-wing states is frankly disturbing to me. How embedded christianity is into sections of the culture that the current regime seem fit, whilst also disparaging refugees, immigrants and anybody seeking help is incomprehensible.

Let me say, it validates the ideas we have at Sinner’s Gin of sticking a middle finger up to usual trading standards with Baphomet and swearing plastered on our gin bottle, being rebellious feels good in this day and age. What is happening over the pond makes you lose faith, but thankfully, being (somewhat) proudly British, it isn’t our problem. Us and the rest of Europe will look on sceptically to see if anything actually happens - don’t hold your breath.

Enough about a political ramble however, you’ve come here for music and/or gin. Being that this monotonous news week has inspired a bit of punk-ish backlash from the general public, it’s only fitting to stick something on this SOTW with a similar attitude. Frank Carter (now famous for his own awesome band with The Rattlesnakes) was in the late-noughties the frontman of a band with his brother and some of their old friends, known as Gallows. This song is one from their politically-charged magnum opus Grey Britain, and always gets me fired up. The Vulture (Act II) - Hope you enjoy!


Song of the Week #51


Song of the Week #49