Song of the Week #44

At the risk of soon turning this blog spot for Sinner’s Gin into a punk paradise, this Song of the Week is more based on the song title than anything else. Myself and Alex have had the best time over the last 2 weekends hitting the Gin to my Tonic festivals firstly at Liverpool, before last weekend making our way back along the M62 to Leeds, close to our beloved hometown of Wakefield.

Obviously, I would have picked another classic with a “Home” related title by my favourite band to represent returning back to Leeds after our festival debut, but couldn’t do that to you lovely people - twice within 6 months? Eesh.

Instead, we’ll focus on what Liverpool was, for our first gin festival. A tirade of many hours on the road, very little sleep, a Friday sellout of gin, and a narrow escape of being trapped by the half marathon, due to encapsulate the city and bring it to a grinding halt all of Sunday.
The stand we set up? A set of euro pallets screwed together.
The company? Excellent as always (love you Sixtowns).
The cocktails? Bodged for the most part, but nonetheless successful.
The people? Lovely, every one of them - thanks to everyone that bought a bottle and made us feel welcome.
The experience? We had that much fun, it might as well have been a holiday (poor I know, I’m sorry).

See you next week!


Song of the Week #45


Song of the Week #43