Song of the Week #12

Rock music and the crowds that follow it tend to be pretty cliquey and selective about what is and is not cool (both to love and to hate). So many people try to tap into that “better than thou” mindset, and often can come across as either snobbish or out of sync with the status quo. You only have to cast your mindset back 5-10 years to have Justin Bieber being the overworked scapegoat for the hate many rock fans (myself included), had towards modern popular music or anything that involves computer generated drum beats. Thankfully 2015’s Purpose (and its myriad of bangers) arrived on the scene and gradually overturned the image that the young-Canadian had for being the antithesis to everything that touring rock bands worked so hard to try and achieve.

More recently Noel Gallagher tried to stay on-trend by slating Lewis Capaldi on his emergence into the UK music scene, however I’m sure he wasn’t expecting it to turn completely on its head when the former Oasis member seemingly forgot how self-depreciating the Scottish can be (and we wouldn’t have it any other way). This Sinner’s Gin Song of the Week is one of those rare combinations where people both love and hate the band I’ve included. I can’t honestly say why people dislike this chosen band, but I expect it probably has something to do with the 3 main members not often playing their own instruments or pulling out a November Rain guitar solo now and then. That being said, I do think that people tend to have a soft spot for the music itself.

I do have a small mantra for anybody who has an inkling towards music in general, and they are words I genuinely stand by, “if you don’t love the Beastie Boys you’ve got no heart, if you don’t love Fatboy Slim you’ve got no soul”. More on the second half of that another time, but for this Song of the Week, we’re focusing on Mike D, MCA and Ad-Rock, also known as the Beastie Boys.

I personally don’t get what’s not to love, and this week I’ve been winding my Sinner’s Gin PIC Alex up with the greatest hits on repeat, and I would advise you do the same to your loved ones. If you don’t loop Brass Monkey 7 times over at ear-splitting volume, then you’re doing it wrong - MCA Forever.

This Song of the Week is “Intergalactic”. Enjoy!


Song of the Week #13


Song of the Week #11